Friday, May 8, 2009

When Crying Isn't Enough

No matter

how trendy the clothes,
ornate the trinket or
meticulous the makeup;
Sometimes you have to cry.

No matter

how discerning the eye,
determined the decision or
where you place your faith;

Sometimes you gotta cry.

No matter

how entertaining the dialog,
how hauntingly beautiful the lyric or
valuable the content;
Sometimes you need to cry.

No matter

how sustaining the rays of the sun,
magnetic the pull of the moon or
brilliant and numerous the stars;
Sometimes you want to cry.

No matter

how exquisite the bone structure,
precisely cut the coif or
chiseled the abs;
Sometimes you have to cry.

No matter

how immaculate the home,
lush the lawn or
new smelling the car;
Sometimes you need to cry.

No matter

how crystal the vision,
strong the spine or
clean the bill of health;
Sometimes you want to cry.

No matter

how well intentioned your loved ones,
comforting the kindness of strangers or
how well you turn the other cheek;
Sometimes you have to cry.

No matter

how attentive the gaze,
profound the words or
fulfilling the touch;
Sometimes you want to cry.

The Only Thing that Matters.

The enormity of The Miracle.
The awesomeness of The Sacrifice.
The grace and mercy of His Love.

Sometimes you can't cry enough.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is absolutely beautiful, I think the last verse in my favorite.
And you are so correct sometimes we all need to cry, it is almost like a cleansing, I also believe that crying enables us to come to terms with our emotions and grow as an individual. It seems as though too many people are afraid of feeling or at least connecting with emotion..

I really enjoyed this!